Making Fixed Prosthesis Installation Safer by Preventing Several Risk factors for Peri-implant Disease

Making Fixed Prosthesis Installation Safer by Preventing Several Risk factors for Peri-implant Disease

Abstract: There continues to be much dialogue about implant treatment and its troubling prevalence of peri-implant disease. A recent article by Dr. Murray Arlin (2020) shows no improvement in implant survival rate between two groups treated over 30 years. Indeed, peri-implant disease can disappoint patients and expose them to revisional treatment that is unpredictable, uncomfortable, and expensive. When dental implants fail, the attached prosthesis can also fail. This unfortunate circumstance can give the affected patients some urgency to seek tooth replacement. Unfortunately, retreatment of a failing case can be much more challenging and expensive than the original treatment because the peri-implant disease process often diminishes oral tissues used to retain replacement implants. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

This slide presentation focuses on disease prevention and is divided into four parts as follows:

Part 1: Understanding the Microscopic Nature of Dental Diseases (Slides 2-29), Part 2: Identifying the Root Causes of Mechanical Risk Factors for Peri-Implant Disease inherent to current Prosthesis Installation Systems (Slides 30-50), Part 3: Preventing Peri-Implant Disease and its dire Consequences (Slides 51- 83), and Part 4: Understanding Why the KEY to Better Prosthetic Treatment includes a Safer Intra-Oral Cementation Step. This part contains the research demonstrating how the current Chamfer Margin System fails while the Reverse Margin System successfully mitigates several root causes of complications. (Slides 84 – 131). This presentation provides the beginner and the advanced dental implantologist with new insights that can help them improve the predictability of their treatment by preventing complications. Contact Dr. Svoboda at [email protected] with your questions.

Search Words: preventing complications, peri-implant disease, misfit joints, FDA approval, open margins, overhanging margins, subgingival cement, screw-in prosthetics, cemented prosthetics, fixed prosthetics, poor access to care, risk factors for peri-implantitis, implant complications.

Citation: Svoboda ELA. Making Fixed Prosthesis Installation Safer by Preventing Several Risk factors for Peri-implant Disease. Dec 2022,, Slides 1-130.


Making Fixed Prosthesis Installation Safer by Preventing Several Risk factors for Peri-implant Disease
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