The Reverse Margin System and Supporting Concepts Designed to Make Implant Treatment Better
Abstract: The Reverse Margin System (RMS) designs satisfy the need to tolerate the three-dimensional errors inherent to prosthesis installation safely. The root causes of these errors include those intrinsic to the indirect production of the prosthesis called Prosthesis Dimensional Error (PDE), the need for the dentist to manage the multiple Incongruent Paths of Insertion (ICPOI) determined by hard and soft tissues, dental implants, abutment connectors, and prosthetic connectors, and the need to manage the Tissue Effects (TE); the Resistance to Displacement Effects (RTDE) and the Gingival Effects (GE). 1,2 The oral environment is complex, and the TE can frustrate the efforts of the dentist to place implants ideally and to optimally connect attachment parts and the prosthesis. The root causes of mechanical problems related to prosthesis installation are also responsible for multiple risk factors for peri-implant disease. While the oral microbes causing peri-implant disease are often difficult to see, their destructive effects on tissues are easy to see.
The RMS design features and installation protocols were developed to prevent implant-abutment misfits, abutment-prosthesis misfits, open and overhanging margins, and subgingival cement. These are well-documented risk factors for peri-implant disease and its dire consequences. 3 Complications and failure of dental implants are costly for both patients and their dentists. Indeed, implant treatment complications negatively affect the whole dental implant industry. Indeed, it is not difficult to grasp that fewer complications lead to happier patients and more acceptance of implant-based treatment. Diagrams of an RMS show features that would be considered unique to the dental industry and result from 10 years of research by Emil L.A. Svoboda, Ph.D., DDS, to make the installation of implant prosthetics safer for patients.
Search words: implant treatment complications, fixed prosthetics, implant crown, subgingival cement, misfit joints, dental implants, risk factors for peri-implant disease
Citation: Svoboda ELA. The Reverse Margin System and Supporting Concepts Designed to Make Implant Treatment Better. www.ReverseMargin.com, Jan 2, 2023: 1-5.
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