Misfit implant parts and poor margins are the Standard of Care for implant prosthetics. Is anyone conflicted about this?
Citation: Svoboda Emil LA. Misfit implant parts and poor margins are the Standard of Care for implant prosthetics. Is anyone conflicted about this?
Published to SPECTRUM Implants V11-N3 June/July 2020.
What is the Standard of Care? It is a dynamic concept that changes as improvements to treatment become available.
What was best yesterday, may no longer be best today. It may be difficult for a dentist to successfully argue that misfit implant parts are better than their optimized versions. If it became possible to consistently optimize these connections, would that not become the basis of a new Standard of Care?
What are the root causes of misfit implant parts? I have named these root causes “Prosthesis Dimensional Error” (PDE) and the “Tissue Effects (TE)”. Misfit parts result from prosthesis designs and installation protocols that are insensitive to PDE and the TE. Knowing and mitigating the root causes of a problem is the
first logical step to preventing complications and improving treatment results.
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