Safer Intra-Oral Cementation: Prevention of Cement Voids under the Prosthesis Dr. Emil Svoboda
Citation: Safer Intra-Oral Cementation: Prevention of Cement Voids under the Prosthesis. Svoboda ELA. www.ReverseMargin.com. Jan 8, 2017
There is much literature about the biological problems related to current cementation techniques, especially those that try to reduce cement volume, can cause unwanted cement voids under a prosthesis. These voids can be due to 1) air entrapment under the prosthesis, 2) an uneven distribution of cement caused by tilting the prosthesis during installation and 3) changes of prosthesis seating pressure during the process of cementation. The author proposes a method of prosthesis cementation that can minimize the possibility of cement voids at the margin of the prosthesis. Indeed visible excess cement should be expressed from around the entire margin of the prosthesis and held in place until the cement sets, before removal of excess cement. The proposed cementation technique can be used for prosthetics cemented onto natural teeth and dental implants. It is designed to help prevent the entrapment of air or tissue fluids at the prosthesis margins during the process of intra-oral cementation. This promises to make dental treatment involving intra-oral cementation safer.
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